Friday, May 8, 2020

10 Career Success Tips

10 Career Success Tips Alvahis focusingon work-life balance, what she doesnt touch upon is taking action. It is important to learn continuously, but, that isnt all. You must be recognized for your expertise. Whats the use otherwise. Find a way to become recognized as an expert in your field. The world is full of mediocrity. #7 is wonderful in theory, assuming you have outside interests. Family is a good start, but find other ways to give back to the community. Get involved. I am going to add 2 more 11. Being likeable isnt covered here, but should be. You should create alliances above and below you. 12. Know what is going on in the world around you. What are the industry trends? What is the competition working on? Read industry publications and attend seminars to truly be in the know. 10 Tips for Career Success By Alvah Parker (see sidebar link Job Search Advice) Find ways to learn continuously. Find ways to improve whatever you do. Be willing to incorporate the new ideas that you learn in #1. Do your work completely and with pride. Be true to your own values. Clear up those irritations (energy drains) so that you can devote your energy to your work. Practice self-care so that you feel good about yourself. Keep work in perspective so that you have time for other parts of your life (family, friends, hobbies, volunteer work). Listen carefully to everyone. Managers need to walk around and talk to employees and customers. Network within your company and outside. Delegate tasks when appropriate and empower those doing the work to do it their own way. Alvah Parker is publisher of Road to Success and Parkers Points, e-newsletters providing strategies to advance your business and career goals.

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