Monday, December 23, 2019

When Thinking Sabbatical, Put Your Company First

When Thinking Sabbatical, Put Your Company First When Thinking Sabbatical, Put Your Company First When Thinking Sabbatical, Put Your Company FirstNot everyone waits for retirement to try to have an extended time away from their job. Enter the sabbatical. Its a word that may seem to some to be almost a myth, like the unicorn, but engineers have taken them. Still, you want to be smart about how you approach your company about a sabbatical, considering it from their end.Engineering is very team-centric and project-centric and you cant usually just remove somebody from it without challenges, says Anthony Fasano, president of the training company Engineering Management Institute.Fasano warns that it may not be an easy transition for the company. Youll need to have a good explanation or plan for your absence. The engineer should probably make it clear what they are intending on doing and what benefits might come back to the company from their time away, he says.Think of ways of lending cre dibility to your sabbatical, such as spending a year as a university professor or traveling around the globe, all as a way to engage with innovative engineers and learn new transferable skills.For You Dont Let Workplace Anger Get the Best of YouBut there are at least a couple of other factors that could improve your chances of getting a positive response to the request.Volunteering could be a great way to show your company how you will be giving back during your time off.Charity work can definitely have a better chance with certain companies, says Fasano, author of the book Engineer Your Own Success. Many want to give back, and it also can help them to be seen in a better light. If you want to, say, volunteer with Engineers Without Borders, maybe you pitch them on also sending pictures every couple of weeks to share on the companys social media or give updates to be shared as highlights on how the work is helping.Another factor that could aid your case is how long youve been with th e company.There is a thought many people have that the younger worker should be putting in their time, he says. On the other hand, if youve been there 30 years then they may see it as something you maybe deserve or could possibly think it could refresh you if youve been at it non-stop for decades.The timing of the request is also important. As far as requesting a sabbatical, Fasano says the earlier its done the better because engineering companies often have intricate driven projects where they need months in advance if they can even consider a big change.First and foremost, always put yourself in your companys shoes when requesting a sabbatical. If youre traveling, its always wise to add some engineering-related stops along the way.If youre in Europe for three to six months, its not hard to visit some modern transportation projects or something else which may relate to your company, Fasano says. They have to think about their company and, honestly, you cant blame them.Eric Butterma n is an independent writer.Read moreThe Rise of the Master of Engineering Management DegreeMaking Robots That ThinkTargeting Cancer Drugs to 3D-Printed TumorsThey have to think about their company and, honestly, you cant blame them.Anthony Fasano, Engineering Management Institute

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