Saturday, December 28, 2019

7 Suggestions for Managing Change

7 Suggestions for Managing Change7 Suggestions for Managing ChangeYouve heard it before Change is the only constant. The sentiment seems more relevant now than ever these days in the world of finance and accounting. New rules, regulations, tax codes and technology come around so often now, it probably seems like your team is continuously managing change and adjusting to a new normal. Its essential for your organization to adapt quickly to keep up.But youve probably also heard another old saying Change isnt easy. When your employees must make shifts in the way they do their jobs - from the internal policies, procedures and reporting structures they follow, to responsibilities they take on, to new regulations they must observe - they can get frustrated and discouraged. And you know what that means Productivity suffers.Employee productivity can also take a big hit when theres a change in management, a Robert Half survey shows. See the infographic below. What change management strategi es can company leaders use to build high-performance finance teams who can adapt smoothly and effectively to new work realities? Yes, thats a mouthful, but read on for seven solid suggestions for managing change1. Create a culture where change is expectedIts never simple to adapt to new things. Its even harder if your employees are set in their ways, expecting their career will stay the same forever. On the other hand, if your staff understands that change is simply a part of working for your organization, theyll be more likely to accept any new processes or policies as a matter of course.So when you interview job candidates with your company culture in mind, assess their attitude toward shifts at work. Make it clear during the hiring process that everyone working for your organization will be expected to adjust to new responsibilities and processes from time to time. Then reinforce the notion in your mission and geistesbild statements, during staff meetings, and any other regular c ommunication you have with staff.2. Make aya youre readyIts always easier to adjust to new rules and regulations when youre prepared. One thing you can do to set the stage for coming change (even if you arent positive what it will be) is to leverage big data to enhance the firms organizational forecasting and planning. You can also prepare by ensuring your employees keep their hard and soft skills sharp and up-to-date with frequent training and professional development. And if havent already, begin to build strong partnerships between the finance team and functions that finance supports. All of these efforts will go a long way when your staff must adapt to change.3. Develop methodology for managing changeAdopt a consistent and defined approach to change management. Maintaining a formal approach to shifts in processes means that people know what to expect when change occurs, therefore, cutting down on the potential for chaos. Your change management method doesnt have to be rigid, how ever. In fact, it should be flexible enough for your staff to identify any issues with the transformed processes and address them as needed. If your organization has a methodology in place, be sure to use it if not, consider developing one yourself.4. Maintain open, honest, timely communicationTry to tell your employees as soon as possible about any workplace change otherwise, theres a good chance that inaccurate information will start to circulate. When you introduce the shift, clearly explain the reasons for it and what your new expectations are. Then, throughout the roll-out, make sure youre frequently updating your staff about everything thats happening. If something goes wrong, or if things are changing in a negative way, dont try to spin it as a positive. Your employees will see through it and wont trust you. Simply state the facts and acknowledge that things arent going to be great for a while. Then let your staff know that youre always available to answer questions and take suggestions.5. Involve your staff before implementing the changeWhen you solicit your employees input on how to carry out a significant organizational shift, the actual implementation tends to go more smoothly. Provide training early on, and host online forums, conference calls and face-to-face meetings to allow your employees to ask questions and voice their concerns. Do your best to address those concerns, paying special attention to the employees whose jobs are changing the most.6. When change happens, make sure youre involvedEmployees are more likely to buy into a new procedure when they see that management is totally on board and participates in implementing it. Make sure youve assigned responsibility for guiding the new procedures to someone with experience in change management, and, if appropriate, give that person a committee of creative, decisive and collaborative people to assist with the roll-out. In addition, provide positive and motivational leadership by checking in fr equently to see how your staff is adapting to the shift. Spend extra time with the managers of staff who will feel the impact the strongest Prepare them to lead with training and coaching, and conduct frequent meetings with them to assess how things are going and make adjustments as needed.7. Be patient with your employeesEveryone adapts to change at a different pace. Some people manage the modifications and disruption in a matter of days and quickly embrace the new normal. Others, however, take a little while to get used to shifts in the workplace. As your staff is adjusting to how the change will affect them personally - whether theyre reporting to someone new or seeing a shift in their day-to-day duties - you should expect them to be less productive. Be patient and give them some time to adapt.Remember, by the time you roll out a change to your staff, youve already been thinking about it and processing it for a while. In essence, youve had a head start. Now you have to wait for your employees to catch up. Subscribe to our newsletterWhen you subscribe to the Robert Half newsletter, youll get articles and resources to help you build and manage a winning accounting and finance team - all sent directly to your inbox. Click the button below to sign up todaySUBSCRIBE NOW

Monday, December 23, 2019

When Thinking Sabbatical, Put Your Company First

When Thinking Sabbatical, Put Your Company First When Thinking Sabbatical, Put Your Company First When Thinking Sabbatical, Put Your Company FirstNot everyone waits for retirement to try to have an extended time away from their job. Enter the sabbatical. Its a word that may seem to some to be almost a myth, like the unicorn, but engineers have taken them. Still, you want to be smart about how you approach your company about a sabbatical, considering it from their end.Engineering is very team-centric and project-centric and you cant usually just remove somebody from it without challenges, says Anthony Fasano, president of the training company Engineering Management Institute.Fasano warns that it may not be an easy transition for the company. Youll need to have a good explanation or plan for your absence. The engineer should probably make it clear what they are intending on doing and what benefits might come back to the company from their time away, he says.Think of ways of lending cre dibility to your sabbatical, such as spending a year as a university professor or traveling around the globe, all as a way to engage with innovative engineers and learn new transferable skills.For You Dont Let Workplace Anger Get the Best of YouBut there are at least a couple of other factors that could improve your chances of getting a positive response to the request.Volunteering could be a great way to show your company how you will be giving back during your time off.Charity work can definitely have a better chance with certain companies, says Fasano, author of the book Engineer Your Own Success. Many want to give back, and it also can help them to be seen in a better light. If you want to, say, volunteer with Engineers Without Borders, maybe you pitch them on also sending pictures every couple of weeks to share on the companys social media or give updates to be shared as highlights on how the work is helping.Another factor that could aid your case is how long youve been with th e company.There is a thought many people have that the younger worker should be putting in their time, he says. On the other hand, if youve been there 30 years then they may see it as something you maybe deserve or could possibly think it could refresh you if youve been at it non-stop for decades.The timing of the request is also important. As far as requesting a sabbatical, Fasano says the earlier its done the better because engineering companies often have intricate driven projects where they need months in advance if they can even consider a big change.First and foremost, always put yourself in your companys shoes when requesting a sabbatical. If youre traveling, its always wise to add some engineering-related stops along the way.If youre in Europe for three to six months, its not hard to visit some modern transportation projects or something else which may relate to your company, Fasano says. They have to think about their company and, honestly, you cant blame them.Eric Butterma n is an independent writer.Read moreThe Rise of the Master of Engineering Management DegreeMaking Robots That ThinkTargeting Cancer Drugs to 3D-Printed TumorsThey have to think about their company and, honestly, you cant blame them.Anthony Fasano, Engineering Management Institute

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Leadership blind spot Your least valued language of appreciation

Leadership blind spot Your least valued language of appreciationLeadership blind spot Your least valued language of appreciationBy nature, we all tend to speak our own language of appreciation. IfActs of Servicemake me feel appreciated, then I will tend to pitch in and help my colleagues. IfQuality Timemakes me feel appreciated, then I may often go out of my way to stop by a teammates office and check in to see how they are doing. IfWords of beipflichtungmake me feel appreciated, then you can expect that I will give use verbal praise to those with whom I work. If a high five energizes me and makes me feel appreciated, I will likely express my appreciation to others withPhysical Touch.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBut if I only do what comes naturally, the language of appreciation that is least valued by me will seldom be spoken. If receiving gifts means little to me in terms o f feeling appreciated, then I am likely to ignore this language of appreciation. It becomes a blind spot. I assume that since gifts have little value to me, they will be of little value to others. Thus, the coworkers for whomTangible Giftsis their primary language of appreciation will feel unappreciated even though in my mind, I am freely expressing appreciation in one of the other languages.The black holeIn astronomy, a black hole is an entity that sucks in virtually everything surrounding it- light, matter, and energy. Whatever goes in never comes out. A black hole takes and takes, without giving back.A persons least valued language of appreciation can approximate a black hole in the work setting. When a colleagues least important language of appreciation isWords of Affirmation, no matter how much praise you give them, it misses the mark. They will leid feel encouraged or appreciated from compliments, notes of appreciation, or recognition in front of team members. Verbal affirmati on is not important to them. You are essentially wasting your energy. The same can be true of any of the languages- spending quality time with team members, doing tasks to help them out, or giving them a gift card to a nice restaurant.This fact that can save you a lot of time and emotional energya persons lowest language of appreciationreallyis not important to them. This does not mean that the other person is weird. They are simply different- different from you.If you dont fully grasp and implement this reality in how you relate to your colleagues, you will waste a lot of time and energy trying to encourage them in ways that have little or no impact on them. Then you may abflug to feel that they are ungrateful and dont appreciate all that you are trying to do for them. You may conclude that there is nothing that will satisfy them or make them feel like you appreciate their work. This, of course, is not true.Overcoming the challenge of your blind spotThe first step in getting past y our blind spot as a manager or colleague is to become aware of it. (If you havent yet, takenthe MBA Inventoryand discover your least favorite language of appreciation.Understanding your least valued language can be difficult. For me, Tangible Gifts is my least valued language of appreciation. Sure, I will appreciate receiving an iTunes gift card, but it is really not a big deal to me. So it is harder for me to really understand how a colleague could get excited getting a gift. I often find myself thinking thoughts like, They certainly get excited about something that is no big deal, or I just dont get it. I would much rather get some praise than a free day at the health club.As a result, I have taken the kampagne to talk to some of my colleagues whose primary language of appreciation is receiving tangible gifts. I asked one of my team members, What about getting tickets to the ballgame is important to you? Why does that mean so much to you? His response helped me to see the situatio n from his point of view.Because, Joe replied, first, it shows me that my team leader has taken time and interest to find out something about me personally and what I like. I played baseball in college and still love going to games. Second, he took the initiative and effort to go and get the tickets for me. It shows me that doing what it takes to encourage or reward me is worth it to him.Once you have identified your least valued language of appreciation, I would encourage you to talk with colleagues for whom this is their primary language of appreciation. Ask them what those actions communicate to them and how they are encouraged by them. Try to gain a deeper sense of understanding of how they are impacted by that particular language of appreciation. It will then become easier for you to learn to speak that language with your teammates for whom it is extremely important and to hit the mark in affirming them that you really do value them.This article originally appeared on Appreciat ion at Work.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 13, 2019

Bionic Patch Succeeds When Hearts Fail

Bionic Patch Succeeds When Hearts Fail Bionic Patch Succeeds When Hearts Fail Bionic Patch Succeeds When Hearts FailA new cardiac patch engineered by nanotechnologists at Tel Aviv University offers a promising and less invasive alternative to heart transplantation and bulky mechanical assistive devices. Integrating both living tissue and nanoelectronics, the so-called cyber heart patch is a bold new direction in the repair of structural heart damage, with future implications for the treatment of degenerative brain or spinal cord conditions.The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says more than five million Americans are living with heart failure today, and the disease is on the rise as ur average life expectancy increases. For the most severely ill patients, heart transplantation remains the treatment of last resort when drugs or assistive devices fail. The growing demand for donated hearts is outpacing the supply more rapidly than ever. Consequently, an estimated 25% of patients on the heart transplant waiting list will die before a suitable donor is found.Although tissue engineers have been experimenting with repair patches using all-organic tissues, the new device is the first to incorporate electronics to help physicians remotely monitor and regulate heart function, says lead researcher Tal Dvir of TAUs Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. In a recent Nature Materials article, Dvir introduced his patch as a conceptually new approach where a dedicated freestanding electronic network is built within an engineered tissue and used to collect data from its surroundings.A remotely regulated living bionic heart. The engineered tissue is comprised of living cardiac cells, polymers, and a complex nanoelectronic system. Image Tel Aviv UniversityThe NeedCDC estimates about half of newly diagnosed heart failure patients die within five years. The disease is a contributing factor in one of every nine deaths each year. As an age-related disease, heart failure is more common as U.S. life expectancy increases and more patients live long enough for their disease to progress to the end stage.Depending on the severity of the disease at diagnosis, doctors treat heart disease with drugs or mechanical implants such as left ventricular assist devices (LVADS). Several groups around the world are pursuing the ultimate mechanical treatment, a total artificial heart. Meanwhile, heart transplantation is considered the destination treatment for patients who have zulauf out of other options. A transplant may be the ultimate course of action for patients with coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy, hypertensive heart disease, or congential/valvular disease. There are approximately 4,223 people waiting for a heart transplant, and on average they wait about four months before a suitable organ materializes. Thats too long for many patients with end-stage heart failure, about half of whom die within a year of their diagnosis.The LVAD is currently used as a bridge therapy to keep patients alive until a donor heart becomes available. The technology has saved or prolonged lives but is not a permanent solution. The promise of Dvirs bionic patch is for a less obtrusive technology that can both assist the heart and help it to regrow itself.The BreakthroughIn a typical cardiac patch, expanding/contracting cells are seeded onto a degradable biomaterial that can be implanted on the heart. The biomaterial supports the cells long enough for them to bind to the host organ and then dissolves, leaving the cells in place to function as a patch. Dvirs team wanted to add critical new features to a patch that could continually report back on how the implanted cells were functioning and provide a way for doctors to monitor and control the devices wertzuwachs after treatment.The team fabricated a porous electronic mesh with multiple electrodes to capture data on tissue function, to send electrical current to cells, and to release drugs to achieve desired effects such as cell growth. The electronics and cardiac cells were integrated with a 3D biomaterial scaffold composed of nanofibers to form the tissue, which was then folded into a thicker, standalone patch.Integrating multifunctional electronics with engineered cardiac patches represents a new direction in tissue engineering, where living cells and tissues interact with electronics to improve tissue function, he wrote.Sensors and electronics on Dvirs bionic patch can measure heart performance and deliver appropriate levels of electrical stimulation to keep it pumping optimally. Electroactive polymers embedded in the patch can be activated to deliver medication directly to the heart. These capabilities would make it possible, he says, for doctors to monitor and assess a patients health status from a remote computer, and to adjust the heart rhythm or release drugs as nee ded. Ultimately the group hopes to design a self-regulating patch that can autonomously sense, recognize, and intervene on certain changes in heart function.The breakthrough is very science fiction, but its already here, and we expect it to move cardiac research forward in a big way, Dvir says.Michael MacRae is an independent writer.Learn about the latest trends in bioengineering at ASMEs NEMB Conference. For Further DiscussionIts very science fiction, but its already here, and we expect it to move cardiac research forward in a big way.Dr. Tal Dvir, Tel Aviv University

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Demise of What Goes on a Resume

The Demise of What Goes on a Resume Utilizing a custom resume instead of a generic one is going to greatly increase your probability of an interview, as youll be a better match in the view of the reader. You might be thinking, Yeah, I already knew that, but what you might not know is that a resume written to submit an application for an internal position is a little different from the resume you would write if you were searching for a work elsewhere. You merely receive a very brief quantity of time to produce an impression and a well written resume summary can make a big difference. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously offer you an advantage. Im a bit old school once it concerns the expression of the resume, but very 2019 when it regards content. You will possibly need to title it with your very own personal headline. Therefore, if youre hoping for an interview, its crucial that your resume be an impressive one. The What Goes on a Resume Cover Up Theres no li mit to the variety of addendums you may include, and no restriction about it. Generally, its better to make your resume provided that necessary but not longer. When you add your accomplishments make koranvers that you avoid the most frequent resume-writing mistakes Here are a few industry-specific examples of achievements that you may use to provide you with ideas and to assist you write anaccomplishment-based resume. Your resume will provide more information. The Little-Known Secrets to What Goes on a Resume You then need to have them know that you wished to guarantee the hauptplatine had the most up-to-date info about how much youre preparing yourself to become a firefighter. There has ever been a particular writing style when it has to do with writing resume content. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. So you must strategize your resume based on a sheet of technology. Make sure that you have a section for Education, even when you did not finish a degree. An audio curriculum vitaeworks just enjoy a resume, but with a couple differences. A resume is the 1 chance a student might have to tell college recruiters everything they will need to understand. In a CV, for instance, if youre asking for work in education, you may want to set your teaching experience on top of your CV. Go through each work description and think about just what the employer is searching for. First of all, employers wish to understand if youre qualified for the job. Applicants that are looking to relocate for a work often decide to include their present mailing address, but otherwise, its up to you whether to incorporate an address. At the bare minimum, you need to always list a present job in case you have one. What Goes on a Resume for Dummies Be sure to concentrate on the previous 15 or so years of your career, especially if you are asking for a position that doesnt necessitate more experience. In case a problem arises, find the very b est solution so far as possible to make sure the event runs smoothly. You also ought to chat about past experience. Any work experience is thought to be an indication of responsibility. Whether youre asking for work, a grant, or using your resume to construct your own client base, a skilled and well-organized resume is suggested. If youre in the center of a career shift, attempt to incorporate the essential factors as much as possible. To begin with, think about the level you are trying to find. Each level focuses on distinct abilities and experience, placing the most essential front and center. If youre asking for a management role, you have to showcase your management abilities. Dont forget to reveal the hiring manager how youll benefit the company by means of your skill set, experience and other qualifications. If youre attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. If youre an engineer, you might have configuration management abilitie s.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Heres What I Know About Why Writing a Resume Takes Experience

Heres What I Know About Why Writing a Resume Takes Experience The Awful Side of Why Writing a Resume Takes Experience Work experiences section in the resume also has an important function in getting you the work prospect. In your resume, you are able to only include things like work experience directly associated with the job that you apply. So if youre looking to receive a job (not just any job, but the job that you want), remember to do things right and learn to make an outstanding resume. Remember your resume is the most significant tool youve got to obtain work. Curriculum vitae have become the most popular document required by applicants in the work application. For instance, in CV, if youre applying for work in education, you might want to set your teaching experience in plus-rechnen to the CV. More experienced people who may rather not advertise what a lengthy job history they have had. Things You Should Know About Why Writing a Resume Takes Experience A resume is a mong the most significant documents you could ever create First you need to choose a specific format for your resume. Select a normal font or typeface, which is streamlined and straightforward instead of decorative, and make sure it remains consistent throughout the entire document. So in the event the typeface employed in your resume sample is inappropriate it may have a negative visual effect on the reader. Finding the Best Why Writing a Resume Takes Experience Typically, a resume is 1 page long, though it can occasionally be as long as two pages. In addition, in the event where ones last job reference wasnt the best one, an individual might want to select the assistance of a functional resume template. On the flip side, if you do decide to use mora than 1 page, make sure you fill up almost, if not all, of the whole second page. If youve got many pages of content, be certain to include a table of content, in addition to an executive summary. Your prospective employer has neither the time nor the interest in wading through plenty of words hoping to look for whats relevant for her or his purposes. Resume writing is an intimidating undertaking for everyone. The intention of the goal is to state your objective. Generally if someone is applying for employment in the trades in Canada or the USA, a 1 page resume will suffice. For those who have experience in relevant field then you ought to write experiences section over the education section. The skills a chronological resume may not have the capacity to highlight are in a position to be emphasized in a functional resume. Career objective is usually the very first section in the resume. Your career objective should clearly describe the position you are looking for in the business and explain to them your abilities and exceptional traits which make you suitable for the position. All About Why Writing a Resume Takes Experience A superior first impression is what it requires to land an interview. There are specific things involved with writing an impressive objective statement. A meeting between two people with a mutual interest (the position) who participate in conversation in a professional way. A Cover Letter example for folks that are seeking work in airport. Why Writing a Resume Takes Experience - Overview Therefore, you can express that youre a valued employee of the organisation. Remember you would like to sell yourself, your experience and any contribution youve got to offer the business. Everybody would like to understand what you can do to help their organization. Also if youd like to show off what excellent language abilities or vocabulary youve got, restrain yourself when youre drafting your resume. Even when you have a job like teaching, youre going to be requested to produce methods to produce the learning experience better and be made to work with different teachers and students to make that possible. So realize that you select the right type of resu me format for your individual abilities and abilities. Flowery language and long words in addition to unnecessary verbiage dont have any distributionspolitik on your resume, save that for some upcoming project where good language will help you make a very good impression.